Dealing with emotions, behaviours, relationships
Hypnosis is above all a tool that facilitates access to your deepest emotions, to your unconscious mechanisms, to your emotional wounds, to certain things that may have been suppressed for a long time.
It is therefore an efficient means to work on your automatic behaviours, your emotional issues and relationship struggles.
In most cases, hypnosis counselling will require several sessions in order to peel the various layers of your issue. The idea is to allow you to also learn and gradually experiment new ways of behaving, thinking, feeling, in order for the change to stabilize at the rhythm that is most suited to its integration.
Working on emotions concerns not only those with a certain sensitivity or vulnerability, but also those who feel like certain emotions have a tendency to take over and get out of hand in a damaging way, such as anger, frustration or jealousy for example.
It also concerns suppressed emotions, as if they were not allowed to be felt or expressed, and to which you do not have consciously access but that are driving your reactions, thoughts and behaviours. These are learnings from past experiences, spontaneous defence mechanisms, adaptative strategies from a younger age, etc.
This work appears therefore in a number of larger issues, such as listed below:
- Sense of failure
- Self-image and self-esteem
- Crippling shyness, stage fright, fear of judgment
- Lack of self-confidence, self-deprecating tendencies
- Emotional isolation, feelings of rejection, abandonment, injustice, betrayal, humiliation, guilt, shame
- Spurs of anger, rumination, resentment
- Fears and phobias
- Stress and anxiety
- Burn-out
People who come to work on their automatic, sometimes compulsive behaviours, are often torn between the desire to change these behaviours and an inability to control them. As if it was not really they who were initiating it. Which may often generate an inner struggle, a disalignment between what they are/what they want and what they do, often despite themselves.
Through hypnosis, I will help you work on these habits and conditioned reflexes by exploring the triggers, the benefits or rewards that may be associated with them, the learnings or subconscious connections that underly them, so that you may free yourself from them completely and permanently.
A few examples of automatic behaviours that can be addressed in hypnosis counselling:
- Certain compulsive behaviours (onychophagia, trichotillomania, dermatillomania, etc…)
- Certain sleep issues (after medical consultation)
- Issues regarding sexual pleasure : premature ejaculation or impotence, absence or lack of libido (after medical consultation)
- Incapacity or difficulty in making important decisions
- Procrastination
- Eating habits
- Issues with quitting smoking
We all face major changes at different moments in our lives, and at some point, we all lose someone who was important and dear to us. If you are grieving a dear person who has died, but also in the case of a voluntary termination or therapeutic termination of pregnancy or miscarriage, I’m here to help you deal with the loss and the absence, so that in your own time, you may figure out how to move on to the next phase.
We can also feel a sense of grief in most of the major changes or decisions we encounter in our lives. When something unexpected happens that changes the organization or quality of your life (loss of work, break-up, accident..), or when you move on to the next “natural” stage of your life (moving homes, becoming a parent, retirement, etc.). It is often an important process that allows you to turn the page, accept that things will never be the same again, and to be at peace with the next chapter opening up in front of you.
- Professional life : loss of job, promotion, new job, retirement, end of student life
- Relationships : new relationship, break-up, divorce, loss of friendship
- Moving living spaces, new city/country, new life style
- Becoming a parent, menopause, children leaving home or moving away
- Grieving a dream, an ambition, a project that will not happen
Our life is made of relationships.
Even when we cultivate very few relationships with others, it is extremely rare that we have no relationship whatsoever with anyone, if only with shopkeepers, neighbours and other people in our surroundings that we encounter on a daily basis. Not having a relationship with your neighbours is a kind of relationship.
And then there is your relationship with yourself, with the world and life in general, with the people you think of even if you are not in contact with them.
The manner in which you relate (or don’t) with others has been learned subconsciously and instinctively since your birth, and these relationship patterns or scenarios influence your behaviours, emotions, impulsive reactions, attractions, and qualities that you appreciate or reject in others (and perhaps in yourself as well), etc. You have learned relationship strategies that you are probably only partially aware of, most of them are subconscious. They seem normal, logical, ethical and rightful to you, sometimes even unalterable. Except for they can… be altered… progressively, and securely.
People who consult to work on their relationship patterns often express the follow issues (among others):
- Conflict with their partner or friend
- Conflict with their colleague or management
- Conflict with family (parents, siblings, children)
- Not being able to create and/or maintain a romantic relationship or friendship
- Feeling of always giving and never receiving
- Feeling invaded by others, not having personal space or time
- Mental overload, not being able to count on anyone
- Loneliness
- Feeling of rejection / abandonment / betrayal