Is Hypnosis for you ?

A recurring question: am I eligible to hypnosis counselling? Am I hypnotizable?

Hypnosis is for everyone, or almost. Yes, everyone has the capacity to enter a state of hypnosis, to explore the various natural states that his/her mind can offer. With respect to the needs and personality of each individual, I guide you in to discovering your own hypnotic trances, however deep they may be.

However, if you suffer from a psychiatric disorder, if you are currently undergoing treatment or under medication, please consult with your healthcare provider to ensure that hypnosis is compatible in your situation. We are available to communicate with your prescribers and set up a multidisciplinary approach to your counselling as they see fit.

The Centre Hypnose de La Rochelle only admits adults over 18 years old for the moment. We hope to offer specific counselling for children and teenagers in the near future.

The Centre Hypnose de La Rochelle is accessible to people with reduced mobility as the building is equipped with a large enough elevator. However, the lavatories are unfortunately small.